Dry Seasonsย 

I love “The Flash”…..๐Ÿ˜‚

I know that’s weird, but if you watch the Tv series you would understand this.

You know those enchanting times when Berry Allen (sshh๐Ÿ˜ท don’t tell anyone, that’s the Flash’s alias๐Ÿ˜‰) zooms through the city saving people and doing those other many fascinating things. Then those times when his friends are doing all the experiments and creating things while he just stands and watches them, (ok not stand), more of pacing as fast as you can follow….(continued in the last paragraph ๐Ÿ˜)….

There are times in your life that everything just stops moving, not just that you are immobile but everything happening around you just stops happening and you don’t understand why but it feels like God has forgotten about you. 

At this point you may say or think..”I know God never forgets about me”, lol, I’m glad you know that but do you truly believe that? Do you act like you believe it?
When all your friends are getting married, or graduating, or starting businesses (even being a baby mama is now an achievement for most), and you look at yourself and nothing seems to be happening for you, do you still know deep down that God isn’t just watching you, He is actively working in your life? 

Yes yes yes

Someone is saying or thinking right now, most of my mates are also dead, sick, invalid, unemployed, uneducated and I’m alive and well….. I am also so glad you are thinking of that but that doesn’t matter to the person who is frustrated, or angry or sad, depressed.

 No no no…

You know what they want to hear?

Their turn is coming, they are about to move, something great is going to happen to them soon…

That is also very very true and I want you to dwell seriously on that….


I also want you to thank God for this dry season, enjoy this season, be glad for this season…why you may ask? 

Because for there to be a rainy season, there has to be a dry season; for there to be light, darkness has exist; everything happens because something else first happened. 

You cannot be truly grateful for what you have never not had…

God allows us to experience this dry seasons because it can be a time of preparation, a time to go through tests, temptations. It can be a time to learn how to trust God, to trust His timing and to rely on Him even when you don’t feel His presence. A lot of things can happen during this season if you would just allow God. 

Don’t forget that God is never inactive in your life. Even when it looks like nothing is happening, that is when things are happening the most, that’s when battles are being fought for your life, that’s when He is setting things in place, that’s when He is preparing a table before your enemies…

….While it may look like nothing is being done because he isn’t running around and doing his “saving”, that’s when all the work is being done, what he then does at the end is to just deliver the blow to the bad guys…..(yeah, I’m that kind of girl) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Beyond Timeย 

“God exists out of space and time continuum”

Let’s look at an example ๐Ÿ’ญ 

“If you were to go back in time, like let’s say 1876, then you got stranded and needed help, as a Christian your first action is to pray right? The question most people would ask “which God am I praying to?””
Which brings up the thought of a past, present and future God, right? So that means the past God doesn’t know of the God of the future yet…๐Ÿ˜ž

That is His future self…๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ’ญ

Then can the God of the past which you travelled to help you to travel to the Future? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

I’m stuck like literally, my mind cannot move on from there…๐Ÿ˜ถ

But does that not limit our God? Umm…NO๐Ÿ˜

Can God be limited?? ๐Ÿ’ญ

NO…?? *duhh๐Ÿ˜

Which then brings us to the actual point which is that God exists out of time and space…

What is my point??…you just asked that right? ๐Ÿ˜ 

Well my point is that He has already done what you have asked of Him, God already knows what you need even before you need it, He has provided for all your needs even before you have them! 

Which is why the bible says that God knows the end from the beginning…

It then brings up the question of Freewill

That is, if He knows the end from the beginning, does that not mean that He knows how we will end? How does that not affect our free will? 

๐Ÿ’ญ Well just cos I have looked into the future and seen that I will have an A, does that mean that the future controls my present? Do I stop reading? Do I stop preparing for my exams? If I were to stop preparing cos I know I would have an A, wouldn’t that change the future?? Lol, which means that I still have control over what I’m doing right? Over what grade I will have cos it doesn’t depend on the end, it depends on what I’m doing in the present..

It’s not your end you should be worried about, it’s not your death that should scare you. Jesus already conquered death, He won that fight, like it’s really redundant and a waste of time to be scared of dying, it’s like fighting a dead soldier….stupid right??? 

It’s your life that should scare you, how well are you living it? What are you doing now? How is that adding to your value as a christian first, as a part of your family, as a friend and as a member of your community??

There’s a lot to think about here but I want you to never forget that we serve an awesome and super cool God…like “Super God” โ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”Philippians 4:8

….because “Chutzpah” is a word

โ€œAgrippa interrupted him. โ€œDo you think you can persuade me to become a Christian so quickly?โ€ Paul replied, โ€œWhether quickly or not, I pray to God that both you and everyone here in this audience might become the same as I am, except for these chains.โ€โ€
โ€ญโ€ญActs of the Apostlesโ€ฌ โ€ญ26:28-29โ€ฌ โ€ญNLTโ€ฌโ€ฌ 


…but he did! He just preached while on trial, lol, he tried converting his judge ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ, the very man that would decide his fate. I’m sure he went like “well, if you are going to decide my fate, at least be a christian” ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This is just another level of evangelism. Paul took the preaching of the gospel to a whole new level. Instead of defending himself, he preached, like he wasn’t even about that life, Like no time to waste, he killed two birds with one stone. He saw an opportunity and he took it, he didn’t waste a soul, he didn’t get all petty and say “since they are judging me wrongly, let them go to hell”

Has that sunk in? 

Not yet?? Ok

This is what Paul did. Instead of getting scared of what may happen to him, he focused on God. I’m sure he was afraid but he must have thought “the one thing I’m confident in is the sharing of the word, why don’t I just do that?” Is that your way of thinking? No? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I thought so too…

Well thank God for God ( ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†)

For teaching us more about Himself, for seeking our welfare more than even ourselves! 

Just imagine the fear, the apprehension? Oh he must have trusted in God to see him through but don’t forget that he also knew that there was going to come a time when he would die. It may have come across his mind…like ” is that time going to be now??, have I finished everything God asked me to do?”. That may have caused him to panic and in an effort to do the right thing he preached…

Is your fear pushing you towards fulfilling God’s purpose for your life or away from it?? 

Well, lucky us right? 

We still have time to rethink and repray, so get going! No time to waste, no soul to waste. Don’t be worried about defending yourself to the world; 

just do God and let God do you ( ๐Ÿ˜…)

P.S : this is my month of thanksgiving! I don’t really understand why though but I have been feeling particularly thankful this past week! Not that I am not grateful for what God has done for me or that I’m not seeing it but this is a whole new level of gratitude for me. It goes beyond just thanking God for all He has done for me but just thanking God. Like it’s that simple! 

It’s about thanking God just because I can thank Him, because I can feel the need and desire to thank Him, because I can feel His goodness and being able to express it as gratitude! So I encourage you to join me as I do this! Let’s simply thank God; no clauses attached. Just a simple:

“Thank you God”

Almost forgot...

“Chutzpah” means : “personal confidence or courage that allows someone to do or say things that may seem shocking to others”

Makes sense now right??

Falling in love…

You go on Instagram and all you see is relationship goals here and there and people showing each other so much love ( or at least their pictures and captions say they do) and I begin to ask my self if I’ll ever be capable of such love, if I would ever be capable of loving another person so unconditionally, so consistently, so fully and so unrelenting! If I would ever be able to forgive them of all their wrongs and misgivings, ever look at their flaws and accept it all; a person I do not share blood with, a person I may never have known all my life…..fear creeps in, and I begin to wonder how possible marriage will be for me….
But then I’m reminded of just how much I’m able to love God, how much I hold on, how much I persevere and struggle to live the kind of life that will please Him. Even when I don’t get what I have been praying for, I get angry and I question Him ( yes, contrary to popular belief you can actually ask God why), when I get pissed at Him for not giving me what I asked for and we go through that cycle of disappointment, acceptance and finally gratitude. Those times when I don’t feel like praying, or going to church, or preaching; those times I Intentionally ignore the convictions of the Holy Spirit and those times I just want to hate everyone around me!!! 

But then I remember my journey and my relationship with God, how I went from not knowing Him, to falling completely and hopefully in love with Him, I am comforted with that. With just knowing that at the right time, I will fall completely and unconditionally in love with the person that God is preparing for me. Just knowing that God knows me fully, He knows my past, my present and my future, He knows all the changes I will go through and the person best suited to be with me. He knows that however I change, my change will complement the change that my future spouse would have also gone through and that our flaws, our good parts; our mysteries, our problems, challenges and every other thing in life will complement each other. 

Prayer: Dear God, let me always be alarmed at the magnitude of your love for me, remind me constantly of all that you have done for me and all that you have promised to do for me…

“Even when God says “no”, it is coated with so much love and goodness” (realtalkkim)

My gift to God….

” For your glory Lord, I will do anything” 

Did that touch you the same way it did me?

Did you just say “yes, Lord”? ( guilty ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ) you are rethinking it now aren’t you? 

Well then that’s great! Because that statement means so much! It’s a commitment to do whatever you can and ought to do to bring glory to God. 

It’s a willingness to die and be raised with Christ. To die to yourself, to do what He says even when you don’t want to, even when it isn’t the coolest thing to do, when it’s just not “your thing”… 

This is a point of conviction for me! Why? Because I will easily say it, because I will shout it out if I have to, say it to everyone I meet, but when it comes down to so much as reposting a message, I have to think twice about it. If the content is not on fire, if it wouldn’t blow my followers away, umm, no thank you ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝ. “Let me go and look for a Holy Ghost word that will make everyone jump, if not bye bye sista” 

We all want to get to that point where we have been blessed because we came but no one wants to go through the journey of dying to our selves, to our innate human nature, to our selfish desires, to our worldly needs, no one wants to have a personal retreat just to spend time with God (that was your idea ๐Ÿ˜) or even drop our phones for a week to allow us concentrate in the presence of God! Of course not, the world will not survive if we were to go offline seeing as we are the rock on which the world stands. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ

It’s important that we know that as Christians we should be willing to do anything for the glory of God. As Christians we should seek to have a heart that only desires the things of God, we should pray for God to mend our broken hearts and for our lives to be transformed and conformed to the things of God and not to the things of this world. 

It is not only about reposting or forwarding whatsapp messages. (especially the ones with the “forward it or you die” clauses). What is that thing that God has been asking you to do for so long, that you have been procrastinating? You know why you haven’t done it and it’s not because you don’t have the time to. 

A lot of us are waiting for a large congregation to preach to before we open our mouths to share the gospel ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿพ, a lot of us are waiting for an angel to appear before we acknowledge that tug in our hearts to win souls for Christ. For others, it’s a process, there are different stages of growth and you may not be there yet. Just wait, trust in God and when you get there, charge in and break records. 

The world is waiting for us.

It is our time to be the heroes of our faith. 

Oh and you should listen to “For your glory Lord” by Tasha Cobbs 

It’s amazing!!