Dry Seasons 

I love “The Flash”…..😂

I know that’s weird, but if you watch the Tv series you would understand this.

You know those enchanting times when Berry Allen (sshh😷 don’t tell anyone, that’s the Flash’s alias😉) zooms through the city saving people and doing those other many fascinating things. Then those times when his friends are doing all the experiments and creating things while he just stands and watches them, (ok not stand), more of pacing as fast as you can follow….(continued in the last paragraph 😁)….

There are times in your life that everything just stops moving, not just that you are immobile but everything happening around you just stops happening and you don’t understand why but it feels like God has forgotten about you. 

At this point you may say or think..”I know God never forgets about me”, lol, I’m glad you know that but do you truly believe that? Do you act like you believe it?
When all your friends are getting married, or graduating, or starting businesses (even being a baby mama is now an achievement for most), and you look at yourself and nothing seems to be happening for you, do you still know deep down that God isn’t just watching you, He is actively working in your life? 

Yes yes yes

Someone is saying or thinking right now, most of my mates are also dead, sick, invalid, unemployed, uneducated and I’m alive and well….. I am also so glad you are thinking of that but that doesn’t matter to the person who is frustrated, or angry or sad, depressed.

 No no no…

You know what they want to hear?

Their turn is coming, they are about to move, something great is going to happen to them soon…

That is also very very true and I want you to dwell seriously on that….


I also want you to thank God for this dry season, enjoy this season, be glad for this season…why you may ask? 

Because for there to be a rainy season, there has to be a dry season; for there to be light, darkness has exist; everything happens because something else first happened. 

You cannot be truly grateful for what you have never not had…

God allows us to experience this dry seasons because it can be a time of preparation, a time to go through tests, temptations. It can be a time to learn how to trust God, to trust His timing and to rely on Him even when you don’t feel His presence. A lot of things can happen during this season if you would just allow God. 

Don’t forget that God is never inactive in your life. Even when it looks like nothing is happening, that is when things are happening the most, that’s when battles are being fought for your life, that’s when He is setting things in place, that’s when He is preparing a table before your enemies…

….While it may look like nothing is being done because he isn’t running around and doing his “saving”, that’s when all the work is being done, what he then does at the end is to just deliver the blow to the bad guys…..(yeah, I’m that kind of girl) 😉

Falling in love…

You go on Instagram and all you see is relationship goals here and there and people showing each other so much love ( or at least their pictures and captions say they do) and I begin to ask my self if I’ll ever be capable of such love, if I would ever be capable of loving another person so unconditionally, so consistently, so fully and so unrelenting! If I would ever be able to forgive them of all their wrongs and misgivings, ever look at their flaws and accept it all; a person I do not share blood with, a person I may never have known all my life…..fear creeps in, and I begin to wonder how possible marriage will be for me….
But then I’m reminded of just how much I’m able to love God, how much I hold on, how much I persevere and struggle to live the kind of life that will please Him. Even when I don’t get what I have been praying for, I get angry and I question Him ( yes, contrary to popular belief you can actually ask God why), when I get pissed at Him for not giving me what I asked for and we go through that cycle of disappointment, acceptance and finally gratitude. Those times when I don’t feel like praying, or going to church, or preaching; those times I Intentionally ignore the convictions of the Holy Spirit and those times I just want to hate everyone around me!!! 

But then I remember my journey and my relationship with God, how I went from not knowing Him, to falling completely and hopefully in love with Him, I am comforted with that. With just knowing that at the right time, I will fall completely and unconditionally in love with the person that God is preparing for me. Just knowing that God knows me fully, He knows my past, my present and my future, He knows all the changes I will go through and the person best suited to be with me. He knows that however I change, my change will complement the change that my future spouse would have also gone through and that our flaws, our good parts; our mysteries, our problems, challenges and every other thing in life will complement each other. 

Prayer: Dear God, let me always be alarmed at the magnitude of your love for me, remind me constantly of all that you have done for me and all that you have promised to do for me…

“Even when God says “no”, it is coated with so much love and goodness” (realtalkkim)