Unconditional Faith 

 As I read through the book of Daniel, I see so many things like love, fellowship, faith, understanding, wisdom, revelations, encounters but the one thing which stands out the most is this: unconditional faith! You can see it not only in the life of Daniel but also in the lives of Shadrach , Meshach and Abednego. 
These men trusted God completely, and their faith in God was totally unconditional, it wasn’t just dependent on what they could get, or what they had seen God previously do for them. If you look back at their lives, you would see that they had lost their homes, their loved ones, their families and had been taken as prisoners of war. 

Daniel 3:15-17 (GNB)

They didn’t just believe in God because of what He could do for them, their faith went beyond what God could and would eventually do for them. They boldly said that if God would not save them from the fiery furnace then they would gladly die rather than bowdown to a gold statute. 

That there is standing for what you believe in!!

Daniel 6:11-22 (GNB)

If you then read further and look at Daniel. He was asked not to pray to God for 30 days and instead to pray to king Darius, he didn’t give it so much of an afterthought, he didn’t even wince or frown or consider the options. He just went home and prayed. 

The morning after he was caught and thrown into the lions den for a night, when the king asked him if he was alright, he said that his God had rescued him.
What I see here is a desperation for God, it’s a dying need to serve and follow God. Their options were to either serve God and if they weren’t going to then they would rather die. Life was not worth living without God. 

They didn’t ask God to save them from the fiery furnace or the lions den, no they didn’t! All they did was hold on to their faith. It was their need for God that saved them, their unconditional faith in God. 

We see that through out the book of Daniel that God never let them down, because at the end of it all, the glory went back to Him. 

Our faith in God is what moves God to do what is needed to be done even without us asking. It’s when we tell God that come what may, we would serve Him, that no matter what happens we will follow Him; it is that trust in Him that makes Him look to us and do all we need without asking. 
So today I pray, that my faith in God; that our faith in God, will move nations to seek Him and to serve Him; that our faith in God will take us to places we have never dreamed of.

I pray that we unconditionally love, trust and have faith in God and that in all we do, the glory of God will be seen. 

One thought on “Unconditional Faith 

  1. \o/ Hallelujah! I am with you! Thank you once again! My faith has gotten me thus far, and will continue to have faith in the unseen, as I see His faithfulness come forth. ❤ Glory all to Him!!

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