His thoughts concerning you….

 So I have been going a rough patch these past few weeks, it hasn’t been easy spiritually, not in any other aspect of my life though and I have been struggling and trying. I couldn’t even pick up my bible to study, couldn’t even pray, didn’t want to go to church and I didn’t understand why. It was a sudden change and I just didn’t know what to do! I would lie down and watch movies all day, keep eating, sleeping or just driving round and it was not enjoyable cos I would also be worried about not being able to have a quiet time with God.

I had successfully reasoned out and justified the benefits of praying and having a quiet time but I still couldn’t bring myself to do it! I sat and I wondered why? I was surprised and not surprised at the same time because I knew it was an attack from the enemy! He couldn’t just sit back and watch me have such a good time in the presence of God, something he could clearly not do….
I would be watching a movie and I would just pause and just tell God to help me, I told Him I knew Jesus was constantly interceding for me and I was grateful for that, eternally grateful, but I also needed to be able to sit down with Him and have a conversation! 
Then one morning I woke up, I picked up my phone, checked Instagram and whatsapp, stood up to just walk around, all the while struggling to pick up my bible and read. It was so difficult and I had this war going on in me that I did not know a way out, but then I picked up my phone, opened my bible app and I read it! Just like that! I did not know how it happened but it just did! 
A few days later a friend came by and we got talking and I had to use what I had studied that day to help her out! 
It was then I realized that the enemy was just playing games, no matter what I was going through or no matter what you are going through, when there is a need, when the time comes, God will come through! 

It did not matter that I was having these struggles or that the enemy thought he could use me as a soccer field, all that mattered was that it was time for me to sit up and do what He needed me to do and when that time came He came through and helped me out of that!  
I don’t know what you may be going through right now but I know that when the time for your breakthrough is at hand, God will pull you out of that mess, that prayer will be answered. For now we just have to wait on God, we just have to trust that His timing is perfect and that He would not be a minute early or late. He will be right on time!! 

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