My Identity….

I want to change the world…
Phew! 😅😅
I have finally said that out loud, it’s no longer all in my head, I’m no longer scared of saying such great things, no longer scared of failing or not being good enough, not achieving what I want to achieve.

No longer scared of what people will say, will they laugh at me? The fear of sounding or looking stupid when I say it…

I want to be the “Jack of all Trades and Master of all” 😂 I want to be a lawyer, an accountant, an arbitrator, a caterer, an event manager, a mother, a wife, a philanthropist, a counsellor, a pastor, an educationist, a psychologist, an achiever of great things..

I want my name plastered everywhere in the world – scratch that, I want God’s name plastered everywhere and just below it, at the edge will be my name! 

I want to do all I can do, to achieve all I can achieve, to accomplish as much as I can and do all what God has purposed for me to do. 

I want my foundation and my identity to be rooted in Christ, so that when you hear my name in a discussion, it will be because the topic was “God”. I want it to be said of me that “there lived a woman who walked and lived in God’s purpose for her life”

There is nothing quite like being identified with and in Christ, nothing like finding out and getting to know God’s purpose for your life; because you see, the bible has been telling us for so long how much God loves us and His great plans towards us and how great and wonderful our lives are meant to be. You can then imagine what sort of plans God will have for us, for those who are being identified with Him. 

Being identified with God means that His identity and reputation is put at stake too. Who God is, is on THE LINE!! It’s not just about you anymore, it’s not just about what you want to do, or that the sky is your limit. 

Your blessings and prosperity now go in line with His glory. Your success in no longer based on a probability; it is automatically guaranteed. 

Should people see you and wonder what happened to God? Will He stand by and watch His name be soiled and put to shame? 

Don’t you think that for all the glory to be given to God, you have to be blessed and not just blessed; “abundantly and above all you could ever ask for” ( or dream of)(emphasis is mine). 

God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do. (‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬ GNB)

So my friends, I believe and know that because I am being identified in Christ….

“I can (and will) do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me”

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